I think it's man's work. I guess that excuse doesn't work when your 23 years old and don't have a husband to do it for you. Now that I'm older and married, I still do it myself, but not without constant reminders from my hubby. Why is this such a chore for me? I go to a garage where there's like 4 or 5 greasy men working on the cars and there are 4 or 5 men in the waiting room watching ESPN. Why am I the only female here? What would they think if I got up and turned the channel to Dr. Phil? Am I the only woman that has to get her own oil changed? I don't get it. How do I get out of doing this?
Enough of this rant of mine. On to more important things that I think is more suitable woman's work (I've probably just offended the feminist out there)....cleaning and changing the oil in your bobbin casing.
I've been sewing alot lately and I've neglected to clean my machine between projects. I noticed it was running pretty rough and making some strange noises.