Saturday, November 14, 2009


Last weekend our family took a little trip to Chicago to the American Girl Place. I have been there a few times before, but this was the first time for my youngest daughter and my oldest daughter didn't really remember going the first time. It was so much fun to watch the girls take it all in. They had the unveiling of their Christmas window the day before we got there.

Since we did American Girl we decided we had better do something for the boys. So we went to Lego Land. I had no idea that there were actually lego artists. Pretty Impressive.


  1. Thanks for sharing those pictures! My daughter and son loved them and have a bit of vacation envy.

  2. I've walked past the American Girl shop in NYC at Christmastime, and it is amazing! The line just to get IN to the store was wrapped around the building. The store had such pretty store windows. Looks like Chicago has the same thing going on. :)
